20. januar 10:00 - 16:00 Fra 16 år

Let’s Play: Engaging in Writing Games and Challenges

- av Escritura en Vivo

20. januar 10:00 - 16:00 Fra 16 år

Free workshop with Escritura en Vivo and UNG TEKST.

This workshop focuses on the playful aspect of writing. Based on the Slam de Escritura competitions we have developed, as well as other events like the Literary Casino, we propose a workshop dedicated to exploring, creating, and enjoying live literary games.

Together, we will imagine a «theme park» for writers, learning from our experiences and inventing new games that we will later open to the public.


The workshop will include a brief theoretical section, where we will explain, with examples, the types of games that can be created; a practical section where these games are implemented for participants to practice; and finally, an exhibition section open to participation by an external audience.

  • Review of past Slams, Casino, Arena and literary traditions (like Oulipo)
  • Setting rules and dynamics, games, challenges
  • Creating and practicing games
  • Setup for visitors and Live Writing Experience

The workshop will be held in English, but you can write in Norwegian. Bring your own laptop.


The workshop is free of charge.

Want more?

You can also register for the workshop Live Writing: Sharing and Performing on 18 January.

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